Foto: Telegraph
Hoje a Irlanda, um país de forte presença Católica, entrou para a história ao se tornar o primeiro país no mundo todo a legalizar o casamento de pessoas do mesmo sexo através do voto popular.
Um referendo foi realizado para pedir a opinião da população e o vencedor foi o “SIM”, com mais de 60% dos votos. Dessa forma, a Constituição do país será alterada para aprovar o casamento gay, algo inédito.
Músicos como Juliette Lewis, Sam Smith, Paloma Faith e Rob Thomas se manifestaram a respeito do resultado no Twitter e você pode ver as suas declarações logo abaixo.
WOW IT TOOK SOMEBODY LONG ENOUGH BUT I AM THRILLED! GO #MarriageEquality #LoveEquality #Ireland… https://t.co/jRUBffs3l4
— Juliette Lewis (@JulietteLewis) May 23, 2015
So happy Ireland have passed the law to get married there. Still genuinely shocks me thou, that this is only just happening!!
— SAM SMITH (@samsmith) May 23, 2015
Good news from Ireland. Well done everyone.
— Frank Turner (@frankturner) May 23, 2015
Reading about Ireland’s yes vote on same sex marriage has renewed my faith in humanity. We are witnessing evolution and it makes me happy.⭐️
— Garbage (@garbage) May 23, 2015
The pure joy of it. I'm so proud of Ireland today… We can all take pride in making history. Only sorry I can't be there to celebrate!
— Hozier (@Hozier) May 23, 2015
Congratulations #Ireland #IrelandVoteYes !
— moby XⓋX (@thelittleidiot) May 23, 2015
Nice one Ireland 💚
— Courtney Barnett (@courtneymelba) May 23, 2015
Fuck yeah Ireland!
— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) May 23, 2015
Congratulations Ireland! ✌️🍀💚
May the 'moral' compass of the catholic church continue to be discarded for the moral 'sat nav' of science.
— ʀ⎊ᴜ ʀᴇʏɴ⎊ (@RouReynolds) May 23, 2015
So pleased Ireland voted in gay marriage today! Very uplifting news! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
— Paloma Faith (@Palomafaith) May 23, 2015
YES IRELAND.. Amazing result.
— Kodaline (@Kodaline) May 23, 2015
— Years & Years (@yearsandyears) May 23, 2015
congrats to my friends in Ireland for being the first country in the world to enshrine marriage equality into their constitution!
— Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas) May 23, 2015
text from my Irish friend Philip: "Ireland voted yes for marriage equality. We are human after all."
— Amanda Palmer 🎹 (@amandapalmer) May 23, 2015
Ireland did it! The 1st country to legalize marriage equality by popular vote, but they won't be the last! What an incredible accomplishment
— Ellen DeGeneres (@EllenDeGeneres) May 23, 2015